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What Type of Bride are You?

There are many types of brides, from the dreaded bridezilla to angels, and most fit somewhere in the middle. Below are 3 basic types and tips for making your wedding work for you, your preferences, your dream, your show.

Bride #! - Visionary

This is the bride who has been planning for her wedding day since age 13. She knows exactly what she wants to the last detail. She may appear demanding and controlling, but with good communication, some flexibility, and prioritizing skills this can be one of the easiest weddings to pull off. If you are working with a budget it is likely you will have to compromise somewhere. Start with a list of the top 5 to 10 must haves. Then a list of 5 to 10 things you really want, and so on until you get to the end and see whats there. Your greatest talent is your visionary qualities, you have all ready been to this wedding in your mind a 100 times. So now you just have to tell the story of that day to your vendors. You can take photos or use magazines, send them links to online pictures, draw maps,

and anything else to help them see what you see.

Bride #2 - Compassionate

This bride can not help but be the perfect hostess. Even though it is her big day you can likely find her tending to the food or worrying about Grandpa who is sitting alone at the table over there. She wants everyone to have the best time and be as comfortable as possible. For this bride it is about the people she and her partner love, so things like invitations, place settings, knowing who is a vegetarian, special things for the kids to do, are all very important. This bride can also be controlling with the need to handle everything herself, which is nearly impossible, and then becomes frustrated. Let others help you or you will be a wreck. In stead of one guest list break it up into categories, one for families with every ones name and ages, one for the older people, one for single or dating guests. Find out any special requirements for mobility, baby needs, shade or sunscreen, etc. Your loving care and compassion will be noticed by all so you can relax and enjoy the beautiful day you have created.

Bride #3 - Unconventional

She might be carefree or serious but mostly this bride wants to share something special about herself on her wedding day. It could be a unique theme or atmosphere to the wedding, an off beat wedding gown or wild entertainment. She is putting herself out there and hoping everyone will enjoy it. This bride craves freedom from the conventional and while she may follow some traditions it is with her own style and charm. The down side is it is easy to carried away and over do things. The up side is a unique experience where the love for each other as well as family and friends shines through.

A nice blend of all three of these types and you will have an exceptional wedding experience for all.

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